Press Releases

CardFellow Offers Free Lifetime Monitoring to Ensure Lowest Rates

by Ben Dwyer offers a monitoring service to ensure businesses keep the low rates they obtain through the online credit card processing marketplace.

CardFellow’s free lifetime statement monitoring is just one of many benefits to using The credit card processing comparison website helps businesses lower their fees by an average of 40 percent and then monitors their statements to ensure rates remain as low as possible.

CardFellow Lifetime Statement Monitoring, a leading merchant account comparison Website, is excited to announce a unique new monitoring service that makes it even easier for businesses to find and keep the best credit card processor and lowest credit card processing fees. The monitoring service – which is completely free – is available to any business that currently uses (or has previously used) CardFellow.

Here’s how it works: Businesses that use CardFellow to find the best credit card processing services will automatically receive an email once every three months prompting them to upload, email or fax a copy of their statement. CardFellow will audit their statement to ensure rates and fees have not changed. It will also check to see if the business is getting the best possible interchange qualification-which determines the largest portion of the expense for their credit card transactions.

Each audit will be posted in the business’s secure CardFellow panel for review indefinitely. If a discrepancy in rates and fees is found, CardFellow will handle the issue with the credit card processor. Or if interchange fees can be optimized, CardFellow will work with the business and their processor to achieve the best possible interchange qualification.

This is the first and only service of its kind to completely take charge of the process of finding and keeping the best credit card processor, according to CardFellow’s CEO, Ben Dwyer. He says: “Our free statement monitoring ensures that businesses keep the low rates they obtain through our marketplace for as long as they’re processing. Run your business; let us worry about your processor.”

Not only does CardFellow make it easy for businesses to find the best credit card processing services and the lowest rates, but it makes sure merchants’ rates never change with a free quarterly monitoring service. This makes using the merchant comparison site a no-brainer for businesses, Dwyer says. He adds: “There are plenty of ‘hit-and-run’ services out there that deliver quotes and collect their commission, but CardFellow is the only service that delivers the best quotes from pre-screened processors and then sticks around for as long as a business is processing to ensure that rates don’t change and interchange fees are as low as possible. There is no downside, and there is no other service like it.”

The new auditing service rounds out the suite of services that CardFellow offers to help businesses that are struggling to survive in an economy where every penny counts. Businesses can use the website to receive multiple, instant quotes from reputable credit card processors that have agreed to meet certain stipulations. CardFellow only allows interchange plus pricing and forbids cancellation fees, and requires its participating credit card processor to operate with high integrity. CardFellow’s standards translate into a tremendous value and savings for its users. “Businesses can use CardFellow to lower their processing fees by an average of 45 percent, and then dedicate their resources elsewhere while we monitor their rates and fees to ensure they stay as low as possible,” Dwyer says. “We simply can’t make it any easier to find the credit card processor with the lowest rates and best service.”

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