Mastercard Merchant UCAF Interchange Fees

SecureCode is Mastercard’s “3D Secure” technology solution. It’s designed to help prevent fraud and unauthorized purchases by adding a layer of customer authentication. Unfortunately, 3D Secure is not very common in the United States. However, properly implementing it can benefit your business not only in terms of reduced fraud, but also by lowering your interchange …

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Mastercard Interchange Fees for Restaurants

Specifically, Mastercard does not have a restaurant-specific category for basic consumer credit cards. However, it does have restaurant-specific categories for consumer “rewards” cards, debit cards, and prepaid cards. In this article, we’ll take a look at the credit card rates for restaurants that accept Mastercard. Looking for a more general explanation of credit card processing …

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Mastercard Merit 1 Interchange Fees

It’s Mastercard’s way of referring to common “card not present” transactions, meaning online and keyed payments. It applies to several possible card types (including credit, debit, and prepaid) and both rewards and non-rewards cards. It does not apply to “card present” transactions where you swipe a card through a terminal. This article gets into finer …

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Enhanced Merit 3

Enhanced Merit 3 is a Mastercard interchange category. Interchange fees are essentially the wholesale cost of credit card processing and generate income for banks that issue credit and debit cards. The word “Enhanced” refers to the type of credit card, and “Merit 3” refers to how the card is accepted and processed. The Enhanced MasterCard …

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Mastercard Merit III Credit Card Processing Fees

Merit 3 is Mastercard’s way of referring to a card-present transaction for most restaurants and retailers. It can actually apply to several different interchange categories based on card type and other details. This article explains specific Mastercard interchange categories. If you’re not already familiar with interchange, it’s a good idea to start with our piece …

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