AI for Debit Routing: Saving on Debit Transactions

In one of my recent articles on AI in credit card processing, I explored some of the possible pitfalls of using a tool like ChatGPT for help finding the right processor for your business. Ultimately, I concluded that AI at its current level is not quite ready to provide accurate recommendations for complex business decisions like choosing a processor. But that doesn’t mean that AI can’t play a helpful role in credit card processing and fintech.

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Debit Card Transaction Fees

Contrary to popular belief, PIN debit transactions incur more than just a flat fee, often making signature debit transactions cheaper to process. Understanding the ins and outs of debit card transaction fees will ensure you’re not losing hard-earned money pennies at a time.

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Small Tickets – The Durbin Downside

Data shows that most businesses save significantly on debit volume thanks to the Durbin Amendment. The only exception to this is businesses with small tickets, or those on tiered pricing. Small ticket businesses have seen costs increase because of Durbin, and those on tiered pricing allow their processors to pocket their Durbin savings.

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