Mastercard Processing Integrity Fee
The Mastercard Processing Integrity Fee is an “assessment fee” Mastercard charges to encourage businesses to adhere to correct authorization standards for transactions.
The Mastercard Processing Integrity Fee is an “assessment fee” Mastercard charges to encourage businesses to adhere to correct authorization standards for transactions.
Discover imposes two assessment fees specifically for international transactions: The International Processing Fee and the International Service Fee. Both fees can apply to one transaction.
The International Assessment is a credit card processing charge that a business on an OptBlue pricing model incurs when accepting an American Express card that was issued outside of the United States.
American Express’ Card Not Present Surcharge is a fee charged to businesses on the OptBlue pricing model that take credit cards through non-swiped methods, such as online or by keying in card details.
The “Data Usage Fee” is an assessment charge Discover imposes when you accept Discover cards at your business.
Wondering about the “digital enablement fee” on your credit card processing statement? Mastercard’s Digital Enablement Fee is a charge to businesses that accept card-not-present transactions, such as those made on ecommerce websites.
The major card brands offer advanced anti-fraud tools for businesses willing to use them, and SafeKey is one such tool.
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