SQ Merchant Services Review 2023

SQ Merchant Services (not to be confused with Square) is a merchant services company that offers credit card processing and other services for businesses. If you’re considering SQ Merchant Services, here’s what you need to know about their offerings, rates and fees, contract, reviews, and more.

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Payroc Review 2023

Headquartered in Chicagoland, Payroc is an ISO of Fifth Third Bank and Wells Fargo Bank. Founded in 2003, today Payroc services thousands of merchants across North America, providing stability in payments by securely processing nearly $4 billion in annual charge volume.

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Payment Alliance International Review

Payment Alliance International (PAI) is one of the processors that publicizes its suitability for gun dealers. The company is endorsed by the NRA and can help your business accept payments for firearms online and in person. However, PAI isn’t limited to gun sales. The company also offers credit and debit card processing and other financial services for retailers and other industries.

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FreshBooks Payments Review 2023

If you went looking for an alternative to QuickBooks and found FreshBooks, you’re already familiar with their accounting programs. But did you know FreshBooks also offers FreshBooks payments, for integrated credit card processing?

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Braintree Review 2023

As a PayPal company with high-profile clients (including AirBnb, LivingSocial, and Angry Birds) Braintree gets a lot of attention. Is it right for your business? This profile is full of information on Braintree’s rates and fees, services, security, and customer reviews to help you decide.

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3 Delta Systems EC Zone Virtual Terminal Review

Like all virtual terminals, 3 Delta Systems’ virtual terminal, the EC-Zone, lets you take credit card payments without having to use special equipment. Instead, you’ll use your computer and enter payment information into a secure online form for your clients. Virtual terminals are often used for mail and phone order businesses (MOTO) but are also sometimes preferred by businesses in office settings rather than stores or restaurants. In particular, doctors and dentists, veterinarians, and others in medical fields may prefer virtual terminals to full credit card machines.

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