My Credit Card Processor Raised My Rates – Now What?
You know the drill. Your monthly processing statement comes in, and your processor is raising your rates. How do you stop it?
You know the drill. Your monthly processing statement comes in, and your processor is raising your rates. How do you stop it?
When you accept Discover cards at your business, you’ll pay fees to Discover, called interchange. These rates vary by card type, entry method, and other details.
Enhanced data (also sometimes called level 2 or level 3 data) refers to information provided with a credit card transaction that goes beyond the basic details.
When looking for the best merchant services rates, most business owners mean that they want the lowest possible pricing to take credit cards. For lowest total cost, “rates” isn’t the full picture.
If you accept credit cards at your business and have spent any time researching processors, you’ve probably come across sales gimmicks offering cash if the processor can’t beat your current rates. You know the one: “If we can’t lower your rates, we’ll give you $500 and a free unicorn!”
Credit card processing rates are a decoy that distracts from the variables that really impact cost. The biggest mistake you can make when shopping credit card processing services is to ask a bunch of processors the fateful question, “What’s your rate?”
If your business is paying qualified, mid-qualified and non-qualified charges to process credit cards, it’s paying too much. In fact, businesses that find a processor through CardFellow typically lower fees by as much as 40% by eliminating non-qualified rates.
Square credit card processing isn’t a good fit for every business. It’s best suited for individuals or businesses with low or sporadic sales volume or a low average sale amount.